“The demon himself is going to be in the White House. The first thing President Trump should do now, given what Biden’s doing today with Soros and Clinton, we should have an exorcism. I think you have to have a Catholic priest and, I don’t know, bring a Protestant minister, bring whoever you want, bring a shaman in, I don’t know. Let’s have an exorcism. You’ve got to drive the demons out.
“My recommendation to President Trump is that you notify today that you’re going to sign an executive order on Monday, one of the very first actions is to rescind the Presidential Medal of Freedom that’s being given to George Soros today rescinded. They’re going to say, well, you can’t rescind it, okay, well, fine, try me, and send a team to track down Soros and take the medal back.
“It is a disgrace that a demonic individual like that has gone out of his way to try to destroy this country, destroy this country would actually be given [the medal] to to mock this Constitutional Republic, to mock this Constitution, which he hates and is dedicated his life to destroying. President Trump today ought to come out and say, hey, I’m putting out an executive order.
“Send a team up to track Soros down and take the medal, rip it right off his neck. And then melt down, and maybe it may be cut up in pieces and send it to the families of the 13 that died at the Abbey Gate, the brave heroes, the young men and women from places like Laredo, Texas. Do that! Rip it off his frickin neck! You want to play smash mouth, let’s play smash mouth. If you want to get cut, Biden, we can get cute – Steve Bannon.
In fact, the “demon” George Soros was not present for today’s ceremony. The medal was accepted by Soros’s son and successor at the Open Society Foundation. Also, there is no mechanism for rescinding the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Just ask Bill Cosby.
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