Wednesday, December 18, 2024

MI Court Upholds Felony Charges For Notorious Cultists

MI Court Upholds Felony Charges For Notorious Cultists:

Detroit’s CBS affiliate reports:

The Michigan Court of Appeals ruled to uphold charges against two men accused of issuing robocalls to intimidate Detroit voters during the 2020 election. The court ruled there was enough evidence to show that the robocalls issued by Jack Burkman and Jacob Wohl were “intentionally false,” according to a news release.

The decision comes after the two men filed a motion in circuit court to quash the charges. The Michigan Supreme Court ordered the appeals court to review the case and determine if the robocalls included intentional false speech and attempted to influence a vote.

Burkman, 57, of Arlington, Virginia, and Wohl, 25, of Los Angeles, California, were charged with one count of bribing/intimidating voters, one count of conspiracy to commit an election law violation, one count of using a computer to commit the crime of election law and one count of using a computer to commit the crime of conspiracy.

Read the full article.

Wohl and Burkman last appeared here in September 2024 when they launched a lobbying firm under false names.

In April 2024, the pair were fined $1.25 million by the state of New York after a federal judge found that their racist robocalls violated the Ku Klux Klan Act.

In February 2024, they were hit with an $11 million racketeering lawsuit from a man who says they falsely accused him of being a child predator.  

In 2022, they were ordered to perform 500 hours of community service registering voters in minority neighborhoods. That same year the FCC fined the pair $5 million.

In 2019, Wohl as arrested on felony charges for allegedly illicit securities sales after having been banned for life from the National Futures Association.

Wohl appeared on JMG in September 2020 when he showed up outside the Supreme Court with a bullhorn to ridicule those mourning the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

As many longtime JMG readers will surely recall, during the 2016 presidential campaign Wohl and Burkman hired actors to falsely accuse multiple prominent Democrats and Robert Mueller of various sexual offenses.

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