In a Nov. 20, 2024 livestream for Right Response Ministries, Christian nationalist Wesley Todd claimed that the United States, if it becomes a “Christian nation,” will enact policies that will drive out non-Christians. This includes banning houses of worship, like mosques and synagogues, and publicly executing “pornographers.”
“Not conversion at the point of the sword,” Todd continued. “Stephen Wolfe has a whole chapter on that. You can’t command the conscience. So you’re not going into people’s homes, holding a gun to them, ‘Recite the Apostles Creed.’ But you are saying public worship, none of these things are allowed.”
Todd then asked, “How many Somalis that came into Minnesota, when that’s done, say ‘You know what? I think I’m gonna go back’? How many Jews, if pornographers were executed in the town square, would pack their bags and head to Israel?”
Read the full article. There’s more nastiness. In the first video below, “ex-gay” homocon Milo Yiannopolous echoes Wesley Todd.
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