Monday, September 2, 2024

Three PA Cultists Fined $1M In Voting Machines Case

Three PA Cultists Fined $1M In Voting Machines Case:

CNN reports:

A Pennsylvania judge has determined that three 2020 election deniers must pay nearly $1 million in fees as the result of a years-long legal dispute with state officials over voting equipment used during the last presidential race, according to recent court filings.

Recommendations from the judge, who was appointed to serve as a special master overseeing the case, attach a dollar figure to sanctions previously imposed by the state’s Supreme Court against two Republican county commissioners and their attorney for allowing an outside firm to examine voting equipment.

The case, which dates back to 2021, involves actions taken by two Fulton County, Pennsylvania, commissioners – Stuart Ulsh [photo] and Randy Bunch – who sought to have Dominion voting equipment examined.

Read the full article.

Fulton County is Pennsylvania’s “reddest.”

Ulsh and Bunch appeared here in 2022 when they tried to prevent an LGBTQ group from meeting at a local public library.

Bunch attended Trump’s “Stop The Steal” rally before the assault on the US Capitol and at this writing he’s busy on X retweeting far-right memes.


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