Friday, August 30, 2024

Trump Suggests Democrats Were Behind His Shooting

Trump Suggests Democrats Were Behind His Shooting:

“The father hired the most expensive lawyer, and he lives in the area, supposedly not very much money. He hired the most expensive lawyer. Think of this.

“Who’s paying for this lawyer in Pennsylvania? High end, very, very expensive lawyer, top of the line, right? You know, where does he get the money to hire a lawyer that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars?

“Is the lawyer doing it for free? I doubt it. Are the Democrats paying for his legal fees? Is Marc Elias involved and that group? Is Weissmann involved? I don’t know. Maybe they are. Maybe they’re not. But who’s paying for this lawyer?

“Then you have the case of all of these apps that they can’t get open. They can’t get his phones open. And, you know, it’s very suspicious, very suspicious.

“Why can’t they get the apps open? Why can’t the FBI get the apps open?” – Trump, speaking to racist birther and former Trump administration staffer Monica Crowley, who in 2017 was credibly accused of plagiarizing portions of her book and her PhD thesis, which the Trump administration called a “politically motivated attack.”

As you’ll hear in the clip, Crowley claims that the “imperial media” has covered up the facts about Trump’s shooting, claiming that “they don’t want anybody talking about it, which also lends credence to this idea that this is very suspicious.”

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