Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Trump: I Didn’t Know What NATO Was Before 2016

Trump: I Didn’t Know What NATO Was Before 2016:

“You know I saved NADDO [sic] because when I went down — hey, Barack Hussein Obama, has anyone ever heard of him?

“He would go, he would go and, you know, go to wherever the holding had a meeting and he’d make a nice speech and Bush would go and make a nice speech and he would leave, in all fairness. Bush, Bush!

“But he makes a nice speech and they’re all going to make speeches, and then they wouldn’t even stay there a day. I went and didn’t make a nice speech. I said, what the hell are you doing? Nobody’s paying, nobody was paying.

“And I didn’t want to be obnoxious because I felt it was the first time I’d ever done this. And what? I didn’t even know what the hell NATO was too much before, but it didn’t take me long to figure it out. Like about two minutes.

“And the first thing I figured out was they weren’t paying. We were paying. We were paying almost fully for, you know, and and I said, that’s unfair, but I didn’t want to make a big mess.

“But six months later, I went back to the second meeting and I said, you know what? You’re not paying your bills. You got to pay your bills. So somebody stood up from from one of the countries.

They said, ‘Sir, may I ask you a question. If we don’t pay your bills, will you protect us from Russia?’ I said, ‘You mean you’re delinquent?’ They said, ‘Yes, we’re delinquent. Let’s say we’re delinquent, will you protect us?’

“I said, ‘No, I will not protect you from Russia.’ The money came in by the billions!” – Hair Furor, stable genius-ing last night at his rally at his Miami resort, where he is paying himself to hold campaign events.

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