Thursday, July 18, 2024

Rep. Alexander Kolodin

Kolodin was interviewed on the floor of the 2024 RNC in Milwaukee my "Democracy Now" anchor Amy Goodman after she noticed he was heckling a former candidate for the Republican nomination, Amb. Nikki Haley.


When Goodman asked Kolodin for his response to seeing Haley speak to the convention he said, in part, this:

"I think people like her are poison within the blood of the Republican Party, that they want to co-opt this party, to use it to line the pockets of their defense contractor buddies at the risk of incinerating our children in nuclear war. They are disgusting and reprehensible and they need to go away."

That was the sane part of his remarks at the reworked "unity" RNC.

Goodman asked Kolodin what he thought about January 6 and the role of Arizona in that event:

Kolodin: "Who are you a reporter for?"

Goodman identifies herself and her program, "Democracy Now."

Kolodin: "I think that you guys have lost your privileges to talk about January 6th after you tried to assassinate our President. I'll leave it at that."

(he did not leave it "at that")

Goodman: "Excuse me?"

Kolodin: "You guys have --- you Democrats, you have lost your privileges to go on and on an on --- I know who Democracy Now is --- to go on and on and on about January 6th when you literally tried to shoot our President, right? First you tried to throw him in jail, then you called him a fascist, then you literally tried to strip Secret Service protection from him, and then you tried to use the deep state to kill the guy. So, yeah, you've lost your privileges to talk about January 6th. And that's all I'm going to say on that."

Goodman: "So would you talk about it, what do you think about it?"

Kolodin: "I think you should stop trying to kill our President. I think you should stop trying to indict him and throw him in jail and depriving the American people of a choice. If you say you're democrats, stand for democracy, and allow the American people to have a real choice."