Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Hate Group Leader Backs DeSantis After $95K Donation

Hate Group Leader Backs DeSantis After $95K Donation:

The Washington Post reports:

Iowa evangelical leader Bob Vander Plaats endorsed Ron DeSantis for president on Tuesday, joining a roster of prominent conservatives in a state that could be make-or-break for the Florida governor’s campaign as it faces stiff headwinds.

Evangelical Christians have made up almost two-thirds of Iowa GOP caucusgoers in past years, and DeSantis is appealing heavily to that demographic.

He’s also spent time with Vander Plaats’s group, the Family Leader, which advocates “biblical values” in government. That includes opposing abortion and any policy that, in its view, “encourages” people to identify as transgender or have same-sex relationships.

Read the full article.

In the Fox interview below, Vander Plaats denies having sold his endorsement, despite his group’s having taken a recent $95,000 donation from DeSantis.

In 2009, the Family Leader led the successful campaign to remove three Iowa Supreme Court justices after they ruled in favor of same-sex marriage.

In 2011, Family Leader head Bob Vander Plaats was accused of soliciting $1 million from then-presidential candidate Rick Santorum in return for his endorsement.

In 2016, Trump claimed that Vander Plaats wanted $100,000 “for himself” in return for hosting a Trump event. Vander Plaats then endorsed Ted Cruz. 

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