Thursday, October 19, 2023

Kirk: House GOP Is “Total Disaster, Bloviating, Bluster”

Kirk: House GOP Is “Total Disaster, Bloviating, Bluster”:

“The speaker of the House, this is a total disaster. I’m getting intel, Jordan is getting blocked, the moderates are holding the line and they say the pressure campaign doesn’t work, it is a complete mess right now. There is no spin, there is no BS, I’m not going to sugarcoat it, we might not get a speaker.

“And you know, it’s interesting, we have Joe Biden that is not doing enough to prevent world war three, it would be helpful if we had a speaker of the House, any speaker of the House, who is third in line in the American government, to be a counter to Biden.

“We’re missing that hedge right now. We’re missing somebody in Congress to say no, no, we aren’t going to fund some sort of war here. What are you doing? Use the War Powers Act.

“Instead we are too busy — I don’t even know what we’re doing in the House. I’m certainly I’ve lost patience for it. Bloviating, bluster, waste of time. These guys are a waste of time. They can’t figure who to become speaker of the House.” – Charlie Kirk.

The speaker is second in line to the presidency. VP is first.

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