Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Hate Pastor: People In Wheelchairs Lack Faith In God

Hate Pastor: People In Wheelchairs Lack Faith In God:

“Churches in the American culture — you know one of the largest expenses we have in buildings? The amount of handicap parking and handicap accessibility that we have in our churches.

“Now I’m gonna make you mad for a minute and I don’t really care. Why is it you pull up to a church that says they operate in faith, and you have fifty handicapped parking spots?

“We just expect that people are going to leave church the same way they came to church.  We ought to start having some signs out there, that don’t have, you know, like handicap accessibility, people in a wheelchair.

“We ought to start having signs of a wheelchair laying down and someone just walking up. Well, Pastor, I think you’re being insensitive — I think you just don’t have any faith is what I think!” – Cultist Pastor Greg Locke.

Locke, who is a regular speaker at QAnon conferences, earned national ridicule last year year when he complained that he was getting dildos in the mail after “exposing” six witches among his congregation. As you may recall, a gay couple shouting “hail Satan” crashed Locke’s book burning in February 2022 and claimed to have thrown a bible onto the bonfire.

RELATED: Locke, of course, is most infamous for claiming that there’s no such thing as COVID and that the vaccine is a Satanic/Nazi plot by the deep state to take away bibles and guns. He first appeared on JMG in 2020 when he threatened to kick in the teeth of a teenage Dunkin’ Donuts employee for asking him to wear a mask in the store. Shortly afterwards, Christian sites reported that Locke had been cheating on his wife with a much younger church secretary. He and his wife then divorced and he married his mistress. Locke was banned by Twitter in November 2021 but his account was restored after Musk took over.

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