Thursday, October 19, 2023

Glenn Beck Host: Gays Want To “Infest Your Children”

Glenn Beck Host: Gays Want To “Infest Your Children”:

“This is not as uncommon of a story as we would wish, unfortunately. I have nothing to add. A lot of our institutions have a lot of conviction to infest our children. And it’s going to take a lot of conviction to stop them from doing it. And if they have come to the point that they can penetrate the bubble of families, even like the one that David articulated here, understand that this thing has metastasized deeply into our culture, and the only way out is through. I’d urge everybody in our audience to pray for David and families like him, to maintain their conviction, and that the lord would reward that in this life or the next.” – The Blaze host Steve Deace, after reading a letter from a man claiming that his daughter was indoctrinated into the “lesbian cult” at college. Listen to the first minute of the letter and feel the Christian hate oozing out.

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