Monday, October 9, 2023

Catholic League: “So-Called Indigenous” Americans Were “Savages” Who Actually Migrated Here From Asia

Catholic League: “So-Called Indigenous” Americans Were “Savages” Who Actually Migrated Here From Asia:

“Our cities are run by politicians who rescue cats and dogs from extremely cold weather while allowing mentally deranged human beings to freeze to death on the sidewalks, all in the name of civil liberties. Crime is out of control and there is no accountability for even violent crimes. The homeless defecate in the streets, harass passersby, and demand that their ‘rights’ be protected.

“And these same politicians—all of whom are liberal Democrats—have the audacity to pretend that they come to the table with their hands clean, insisting we either erase Columbus from history or demonize him, all the while romanticizing so-called indigenous peoples. It’s enough to make any sane American who knows anything about history reach for the vomit bag.

“Native Americans did not originate in America: they migrated here from Asia. The idea that they lived in some kind of Garden of Eden—living peacefully—until the white boys showed up is pure poppycock. The fact is there is nothing noble about the ‘noble savage.’ Indeed, he is more savage than noble.

“None of this is to excuse any wrongdoing by Europeans—many of them were just as vicious. But it is to say that we need to get over our childlike image of Native Americans and stop with the Columbus bashing. It makes no sense morally or historically, and this is doubly so for those who come to the table today with filthy hands.” – Bill Donohue, getting in early shots ahead of Columbus Day.

As you can see below, Donohue also appeared on hate group leader Tony Perkins show this week to rage about the pope opening the door to blessing same-sex marriages.

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